The Researchers’ Night will once again take over universities across Finland on 27.9.2024, with universities in Jyväskylä, Hämeenlinna, Oulu and Helsinki participating. The event will give you a peek at the latest research and a chance to see for yourself how chemical substances react with each other or whether you can steer a car track with the power of your mind.
The University of Jyväskylä’s campus will be illuminated by the Researchers’ Night with Science and the City of Light event with its spectacular light art. Along the route, visitors can experience the pops of chemistry, learn about the life of a freshwater pearl mussel and be dazzled a lightart inspired by atoms.
There is also a programme on human health, the mind and body interaction and the potential of green hydrogen. Are you ready to spot a liar by the body signals? Have you ever seen a hydrogen rocket? The Jyväskylä Researchers’ Night will feature these and much more.
In Hämeenlinna, you can explore the world of applied research at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) by experimenting and wondering for yourself. What are biocolors and where they can be used? What is wearable intelligence? How can you dress to lighten your workload? Can robots provide care?
These are some of the questions you will find answers to at the European Researchers’ Night in Hämeenlinna. Come and discover HAMK’s applied research at the Shopping center Goodman, Hämeenlinna on the last Friday in September at 17-20!
The Researchers’ Night also offers a varied programme in Oulu and Sodankylä! At the University of Oulu’s Researchers’ Night you can dive into the world of plants and microbes, learn about the life of bugs and taste honey produced by our bees. In the workshops you will be able to test barley growing using carbon materials, learn about the senses and create your own short animation. In the public lecture you will hear a presentation about the mystery of dark matter. At the Ask a Researcher point, researchers from different disciplines are on hand to answer your questions. This year’s event will also include content from the Science Centre Tietomaa school tour. In Sodankylä, the programme is held at the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory.
The Researchers’ Night at the University of Helsinki the campus workshops will show children and young people what the researchers’ work and workspaces are like on the four campuses of the University of Helsinki: on the City Center, Kumpula, Viikki and Meilahti Campuses.
In the evening, anyone can attend presentations on the wonderful world of science at researcher stands at the Observatory (from 17.00 to 20.00) and Think Corner (from 16.00 to 20.00). You can also delve into the secrets of the universe in the permanent exhibition at the Observatory. The entrance to the exhibition centre of the Helsinki University Museum Flame will be free at 16-20.
So, check out the programme of your nearest University and get inspired by science!