Researchers’ Night was again the biggest science event in Finland – almost 24 000 visitors!

The Researchers’ Night was celebrated on the last Friday of September 29.9.2023 in a total of 6 locations from Helsinki to Sodankylä. The event was a chance to experience new science, try out research and talk to enthusiastic scientists. Once again, hundreds of researchers from all over Finland participated. More than 23 600 visitors attended the various events during the day and night.

The Researchers’ Night was particularly popular in Jyväskylä, where the varied programme attracted almost 14 000 participants. In Oulu, 2,500 visitors discovered the wonders of science, while in Tampere the programme reached around 6,000 participants on site and online. Helsinki attracted 600 participants and Hämeenlinna nearly 500.

Visitors have the opportunity to explore a wide range of scientific disciplines, from natural sciences to linguistics, physical sciences and cosmology. Among the most popular events were the Science Slam competition in Tampere, the Oulu Ötökkä academy and the Helsinki Observatory. In Jyväskylä, the chemistry presentations attracted record crowds and the sports programme got the crowd moving. The Science Café in Tampere was followed by thousands of young people via Yle Arena. In Hämeenlinna, a lift repair with VR glasses and the tricks of a robot dog were the main attractions.

Since 2005, the Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide science event that brings science and researchers’ work to the attention of the general public. This autumn, the event took place in Jyväskylä, Tampere, Hämeenlinna, Helsinki, Sodankylä and Oulu.

More information:
Communications Manager Liisa Harjula
Liisa Harjala, University of Jyväskylä / 040 805 4403