The biggest science event of Finland is held again this fall. Researchers open their doors for every curious friend of science on Friday 30.9.2022. This fall event will be enjoyed live once again for a long time.
Researchers’ Night is a family-oriented and multidisciplinary event, which brings out researchers, their works and the importance of science for everyday life. Throughout the day, Researchers’ Night offers a programme that allows the audience to explore the wonderful world of science. There will be workshops, lectures, demonstrations and something for everyone who wants to learn new about sciences. People of all ages are welcome!
Researchers’ Night events are held all over the Europe every year on the last Friday of September. In the past few years event has gathered tens of thousands of visitors in Finland alone. In the previous two years, the event has been organized online but this year, after a long wait, Researchers’ Night will be enjoyed in the familiar way live again, of course considering the safety of all.
This year Researchers’ Night is held in Finland at least in Jyväskylä, Oulu and Tampere. The programme and more information of the event will be released later in the summer and fall. Follow us on social media and get the most important information first!
Welcome to learn amazing facts about sciences this fall!
Further information:
Communications Manager Liisa Harjula
University of Jyväskylä / 040 805 4403
Communications Trainee Kristiina Kivivuori
University of Jyväskylä / 050 479 5574
Facebook: Tutkijoiden yö
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